1801006170 short case
A 35 year old female,resident of miryalguda,worker in steel shop,came with chief complaints of •Fever since 12 days •Shortness of breath since 10 days •Cough since 8 days ●HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS:- She was apparently asymptomatic 12 days back,and then she developed fever which was insidious in onset,continuous,high grade and not associated with chills and rigors,for which she went near local RMP and took some medications and temperature decreased. And then she developed breathlessness 10 days back,which was insidious in onset,gradually progressive,SOB is of grade 1 i.e when climbing stairs.SOB aggravated on exposure to dust and cool air,seasonal variation is present. History of cough since 8days,which is productive,mucopurulent,non foul smelling, and subsided on medication.Cough aggravated on lying in supine position and relieved gradually on sleeping to one side. No h/o tightness in chest,No H/0 palpitations ,sweatings,syncopal attacks,b/l pedal edema. No h/o wh...