CHIEF COMPLAINTS an episode of seizures 1 week back and he had bleeding from mouth HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 years ago after which he started consuming alcohol ,initially he started consuming toddy when he was young then he started consuming alcohol with his friends at his work 3-6 units weekly once on Sunday.This continued for 7years back.He started consuming alcohol excess due to family problems.he had 3 years back ah/o of 3episodes of seizures each episode precedes consumption of alcohol is present.he decided that alcohol might be the reason and went to a local doctor who told the same reason for which he decided to stop consuming alcohol which he did.he was abstinent for one year.Again he started consuming alcohol duo to family problems. One week back then he developed an episode seizures while he was doing his work on monday .Then he went to the RMP for the treatment he had given ...